Tamora Pierce

Table of Contents

TP Cliques and such
Links to other TP sites
Link to my main site: Wistful

Please, any: suggestions, fanfics, fanarts, links, or controversey views/ideas, please email me. I luv email, don't u???

And a HUGE thanx again to Meilin Wong for her BEAUTIFUL pic!!! Her site here.
































Dolls made by me and other very cool ppl. The dolls here are all characters in the Tortall books. My dolls lack male characters, but don't worry, I'm workin on it!!!
Note: Put your mouse over the images to see what character it is.
Made by me:
Alanna __ Daine __Keladry

Thayet at the ball __Thayet in the pink tissue dress
Varice __ Delia of Eldorne__Princess Josiane of the Copper Isles
Made by Lily Fireheart:
Alanna __Daine__Keladry
Thayet __Buri__Numair
Cleon __Gainel__Graveyard Hag
Green Lady/Sarra __Mithros__Great Mother Goddess